Saturday, December 24, 2011


Coffee shops do smell divine
and carols add a joy sublime
In two days it will be christmas
Bombay sprinkled with gold dust

And though there ain't no snow to white
the reds and greens are happy-bright
Goodie bags with teasing eyes
wait eagerly to surprise

The sleeping hope of withered hearts
wakes up to the smell of tarts
The cynics wish they could unlearn
and steep in some ignorant fun

Pockets full and pockets half
look forward to better scarves
Blues can wait till some Monday
Hohoho it is today

Friday, August 19, 2011

Politically Incorrect

Since everyone seems to be posting about Anna Hazare, here is my politically incorrect, frivolous take on it-

Q) What song's on the PM's mind these days?
A) Anna na hazare na re na re
     Anna na hazare na re na
     Sade naal rahoge te aish karoge
     zindagi de saare maze "cash" karoge
     sade naal.. hoye hoye

Q) And what was the response from the other side?
A) Anna haan hazaare haan re haan re
     Anna haan hazare haan re haan
     twade naal rahenge to trash karenge
     zindagi rahi to back-lash karenge
     twade naal.. roye roye

Friday, August 5, 2011

Other Wordliness

Words are like my imaginary friends
My playmates in solitary absence
Potent, virile, energetic, they beguile
entice, devise, impromptu improvise
Dastardly imps in innocuous bodice
Cowardly shrink in vacuous spaces
when someone wants to have a word

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I like it even when my earphones stay in my ears and don't play music.I get this feeling that I am cut off from the rest of the world,safely ensconced in my cocoon, invisible, just as I am when I wear shades.
Objects that make me ostrich.

(a passing thought.. probably will glean these up someday and string the beads)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ghost Love

There you are
love lost
love unrequited
that never quite was
Turning into poetry
only because
I have to have you
and somehow salvage
the dying cause

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

to matter, to matter not

i am a dot
to your naked eye
here now
there then
here and there
now and then

i am a shape
before your eyes
at your disposal
here now
here then
as you left me
found again

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


i do not know my poems
they just become what they want
this moment glad
that moment scared
this moment naked
that moment clad
words keep adding
falling like raindrops
till the make a puddle
maybe there was a ditch before
maybe they forged one
like right now
words think
they should end

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sleight of Hand

Space lost in form, silence in sound
The magician plays his trick
shepherds the gaze toward the empty fist
while hides away in the hand unseen
Truth to be magically found

Friday, June 24, 2011


Pride is the devil
Diffidence, deep sea
And 'I', everything that lies in between

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

To be or not to be

I was so busy showing, I forgot to see
I was so busy being, I forgot to just be
I was so busy making, I didn't let it emerge
I was dying too fast to hear the funeral dirge

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Wisdom to him was not an afterthought. His wisdom was in the action, in this moment. Here and now. Perhaps it was something that came from years of practice, years of thoughts and afterthoughts. How will i ever know? Perhaps my hope lies in his poetry. Like the eternal naad of the Omkar, the sound of his truth reverberates through his poetry. Light split into colors of the spectrum- that is what each of his poem is.

And the rest will just have to be walked and found.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mobile गणेश

आज जब laptop bag में Pen खोजने के लिए हाथ डाला, तो हाथ आये bag -वाले गणेश.

Bag वाले भगवान अलग श्रेणी, अलग category के होते हैं. वही फर्क जो landline और mobile में होता है, bag वाले और घर वाले भगवान में भी होता है. Bag वाले भगवान light -weight और compact किस्म के होते हैं. इनमें भी अलग अलग varieties आती हैं - जैसे कि calendar वाले हनुमान, photo वाले साईं बाबा, locket रुपी माता रानी, वगैरह वगैरह. और यदि आप मूर्ती पूजन के विरुद्ध हैं, तो ख़ास आपके लिए आता है chewing gum के size का विभूति का packet , या फिर 108 बार राम नाम लिखा चावल का तिनका. गिनने का कष्ट न कीजिएगा. यदि श्रद्धा न हो तो उबाल के खा लीजिये.

हाँ, तो bag वाले गणेश जी मुझे मेरी दीदी ने दिए थे. दीदी ने मुझे कई bag वाले भगवान दिए हैं. भई अब जितने bag होंगे, उतने भगवान भी तो होने चाहिए. तो मतलब समझ लीजिये, कि जब भी किसी shopper's stop में सेल लगती है, हमारी पारिवारिक परंपरा कि वजह से, भगवानों के business में भी बढौतरी होती है. Economics की भाषा में इन्हें "complimentary business" कहते हैं. और कुछ लोग कहते हैं कि economics और religion सगे नहीं!

लाल रंग के छोटे से गणेश जी जब अचानक bag से निकले, तो बिलकुल वैसा लगा जैसे पुरानी किसी jeans में से 50 का नोट निकल आया हो. मन में ख़ुशी कि लहर दौड़ उठी. "क्यों गणेश जी? कहाँ छुप के बैठे रहे इतने दिन? हाथ आ ही गए ना !", थोड़ी देर हाथ में पकड़े-पकड़े मैंने उन्हें निहारा. क्या सोचते होंगे दिन भर बैग में बैठे-बैठे? "ये आया pen drive ! ये आया 2 का सिक्का! अरे! Design बदल दिया? पुराना वाला बेहतर था. कम से कम फर्क तो समझ आता था 2 और 1 के सिक्के में. खैर! अरे, ये क्या? नया mobile ? शुक्र है! Reliance CDMA को तो अब मैं भी नहीं बचा सकता. ये 3G है. अब wi-fi से दर्शन दिया करूंगा सबको. ऊँह हूँ ! फिर इस लड़की ने hotel वाला tissue घुसेड़ दिया! कब छोड़ेगी ये चिंदी-चोरी. वैसे तो बड़ी बातें करती है, दुनिया बदलने की. अपना bag साफ़ कर ले यही बहुत बड़ी बात होगी. दम घुट गया इस कबाड़-खाने में. मैं भी घर-वाला भगवान होता. मुझे भी इसकी माँ रोज़ प्यार से नहलाती. गुरुवार-गुरुवार साईं बाबा की खीर में से मैं भी कुछ प्रसाद चख लेता. लेकिन नहीं! इसे मेरी याद दिलाने के लिए तो कोई hard disk ही crash करानी होगी. या फिर जब लड़ लेगी किसी से, बैल की तरह, तब आएगी विघ्नहर्ता के पास रोते रोते. खैर! Wallet वाले साईं बाबा के पास हो के आता हूँ."

Wallet वाले साईं बाबा की condition थोड़ी बेहतर है. लेकिन आजकल उन्हें भी फिक्र होने लगी है, "क्या बताऊँ गणपति! पहले पाँच सौ - पाँच सौ के नोट हुआ करते थे, अब दस- पचास- सौ ही रहते हैं. सोचती है मुझे wallet में कैद रखने से पैसों की कमी नहीं होगी. अगर ऐसा होता तो सरकार नोट छापने के बजाय, मेरी तस्वीर न छापती?"

"हाँ, बात तो सौ आने की करी आपने"

"हा हा हा, तुम अभी भी भी आनों में ही अटके हो, गणपति ?"

" बुरा न मानना बाबा, अटके तो आप हैं. पाँच साल हो गए आपको इसके boyfriend की तस्वीर अपनी तस्वीर के पीछे छुपाये हुए. कभी मम्मी के सामने खुल जाता, तो इधर उधर तो आपको ही adjust करना पड़ता ना? अब शादी हो गयी है दोनों की, तो भूल ही गयी की अपने मियाँ की photo छुपाने की अब ज़रुरत नहीं. हमारी और उस बेचारे की एक ही दशा है - भूले- बिसरे, बंद, अँधेरी कोठरी में.."

"शुश्श.. गणपति, लगता है हाथ अन्दर आया!"

"भगवान! आज तो बाहर निकाल ले !"

और बाहर निकले गणेश जी!

गणेश जी, I am sorry . आप बहुत cute लग रहे हैं. जी भर के आपको निहार भी लिया. लेकिन अब आपको वापस जाना पड़ेगा, काल-कोठरी में, उन्हीं pens , headphones , tissue , post -its और wallet वाले बाबाजी के पास. माना कि आपके बारे में भूल जाती हूँ, और दुःख में ही सुमिरन करती हूँ, लेकिन mobile गणेश जी! अच्छे network कि यही तो ख़ासियत होती है. ऐसा साथ निभाता है कि अपनी कमी महसूस ही नहीं होने देता. आदत भी इतनी पड़ जाती है, कि उसी कि वजह से काम होते हैं, और उसी को भूल जाते हैं. तो फिर नाराज़ न होइए! "Wherever you go, our network follows" का मंत्र अपनाइए! जो किया, सो किया. अब Nokia कि तरह अपना बढ़िया वाला connection लगाइए.. और ये गए bag के अन्दर!

और सुनिए! मैं इतनी बुरी लड़की भी नहीं हूँ. ख़ास आप ही की सवारी के लिए HP का मूषक, यानि की mouse बैग में छोड़ा है.

क्या कहा? "Made in China" है? क्या गणेश जी! थोड़ा adjust कर लीजिये ना!

Friday, April 29, 2011


एक बार साधवी ने मौन व्रत धारण किया.
कुछ ने कहा, तपस्या है, फल में मिलेगी शक्ति अपार.
नहीं भई, ये तो है नियम, आत्म-संय्यम का अभ्यास. साध्वी ही सही, पर देह तो है मनुष्य की, करना पड़ेगा प्रायश्चित.
मेरी मानो, मौन व्रत सन्देश है, बहिनों को, चुप्पी ही है औरत का गहना.
हुँह! ढोंगी ! जब सच सामने आया, तो मौन व्रत का नाटक!

सच सामने आया था. सूरज की तरह. पर शब्दों के डिब्बे में भर सकती अगर,
तो कैसा मौन? कैसा व्रत?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Velcro Song

I'm not a string
I'm a velcro
I attach, detach
attach, detach
attach, detach
I do not do knots
They take longer
to do and undo
So I chip, crich
chip, crich
chip, crich
It's like a song...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


And long after they've buried you
Some will still shed tears a few
You might do well beneath the ground
To think if you've been more around
For those who still stop by your grave
Or to whom away your life you gave

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Well Beloved

One of the favorite questions that grown-ups like asking kids is what they will become when they grow up. At the age of eight or nine I was fairly sure of it. I wanted to be a detective, teacher, singer, IAS officer, prime minister, doctor, and secretly, a movie star! And I wanted to be all of them. The only thing that would change about the list would be the order, without any deletions. I remember that the grown-ups would laugh or smile, endeared.

Eighteen years have since passed and I realize that not much has changed. There still seems to be a list that I am following, though not by design. With the exception that it’s not the same list (well, except the movie star bit!). And that the grown-ups do not seem to be as amused about it as they used to be. I don’t blame them. I am not very amused either.

We live in a world that values specialists above generalists, a value passed down through proverbs like “jack of all trades, master of none”, a value that perhaps derives from its parent values of loyalty above fickleness, of focus above diversion. Words like “expert” and “master” have implicit in them a sense of respect. And while we have begun to beat the trumpet of multi-disciplinary with greater vigor than ever before, it still means, for all practical purposes, a gathering of the experts.

It isn’t to say that this is all bad. Just that this is how things largely stand. Perhaps this system has, indeed, evolved to be an optimized one, and people like me just got stuck-up somewhere in the evolutionary process. People who want to grow their crops and make their tools instead of devoting their energies to being great farmers and trading with other great metal-smiths. Perhaps this behavior is not economically rational. And if economic rationality is what that matters, it brings me to its anti-matter - Love.

Love means different things to different people. It is, after all, a word with a set of complex and abstract signified. Whatever it means or signifies, it is an idea that we obsess about, an idea (or a set of ideas) that is universally felt, across time, space and cultures. And I now realize, that like many, many others, I too have been driven by my quest for love or the idea of it. Only that the quest did not ever stop at the boundary between the personal and the professional, between home and work.

As I sat through a seminar on Typography, watching people speak of fonts, letter forms and italics as if they spoke of their beloveds, I felt a sense of envy. Not because most of them were revered specialists or masters of typography, but because they had felt love. A love so strong and loyal that some of them had spent their entire lives being married to their a,b,c,d’s. And here I was, with many an affair, but none that lasted. Which made me wonder, is choosing a profession like arranged marriage? You choose first, based on a set of limited information and then grow to like it, love it, despite the compromises and imperfections? Or for that matter like any marriage, even love, where to fall in love is easy but to remain in love requires some work? In either case, it seemed like I was the 21st century Casanova. But to be fair to myself (and to Casanova as well), I have, on occasions felt love, if only momentarily. Like the protagonist of Thomas Hardy’s “The Well Beloved”, where his perfect lady love, his “well-beloved”, is but an image in his mind, whom he sees in all the women that he has an affair with, if only ephemerally, I too have an idea of what it is and I do see it in whatever I do. Only that, like a ghost, it possesses my profession for a while and then goes poof! Either the idea of a soul-mate is overrated or I am just a lustful wanderer.

And yet, despite all warnings and advice to “settle down”, like the archetypal “Fool”, I take the leap of faith, over and over again. Maybe there isn’t one size that fits all and one formula that suits all. Maybe the wise man’s path to happiness is in knowing and reason and the fool’s path to happiness is in not knowing and passion. Or maybe they are both equally unhappy paths that one must tread. Then again, happiness and unhappiness are as elusive ideas as love!

On the brighter side, my current relationship with design management does allow me to flirt with other disciplines of knowledge as well. So maybe I’m still a fledgling in the art of love, but am definitely getting better in the art of flirting! And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t having fun!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


हृदय में मचा भूचाल
बढ़ते हाथ कलम की ओर
मानो कलम न हो, हो ढाल

भ्रम में रहती जीवित
न रहते उसके होगा
मन आघातों से पीड़ित

कि करती कैद कहानी
और हरते हर मंशा को
शब्द-रुपी सैनानी

जैसे कागज़ की ओर
नस-सी कलम में बहता
रक्त हृदय को छोड़

करता शब्दों को संचित
जागृत होती कविता
मंद-मंद मन मूर्छित..

Sunday, February 20, 2011

To all my multi-vitamin pills

I was wondering what makes me hold on to some friends better than the rest. What makes some of them way more special, way more indispensable than the rest? And I think this may be the answer (or at least one of the reasons)...

Most of the relationships in life are compartmentalized. So there are mentors, people you can go out and watch a movie with, people you are agony aunt to, people who are agony aunts to you, people you can share your philosophical angst with, people you can talk work with, people you can discuss ipod with, people you can bitch about with, people who you can just be silent with without the silence being uncomfortable...

But there are very few people who are ALL or most of these. And fewer still are those who are all of these without being judgemental about you (and vice versa). Who can understand and reciprocate many dimensions of your conscious existence. And who let you be who you fundamentally are (if there is anything like that).

And though I may not be the friendly, buddy-to-all, girl next door, I think am very lucky to have a few such multiple-role friends. When you have multi-vitamin pills, you don’t really need a sackful of A, B, C, Ds...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ball of Yarn

You lift me up, throw me down
Merrily laugh, as I rebound

You nudge me sore when I sleep sound
And when I'm awake, you turn around

You pump me up to prick me flat
You say "this" when I say "that"

How you love the games you play
And how I love being played your way