Wednesday, June 11, 2008


After years today
My heart wells up
feeling a new emotion
One that I have never felt before.
But like all the previous times
that i have felt something move
like this inside me,
today, again, it is raining outside,
the cars are honking on the street
and people are moving around me
in dizzying hurry,
and i am at the center
of the whirlpool
fixed, as the eddies
swirl around me.
It happens in dreams
you're walking on grasslands
twittering and chattering
about all things beautiful
and all things mundane
looking for a place
where you'll sit down
and unpack your quaint
picnic box.
But before you unfold
the rag you would have
sat upon,
the grasslands metamorphize
to the sands of Sahara;
the picnic box
to an old picture
of you and your companion
that once was,
when you strolled
the grasslands together.
Tomorrow will never be
the same as yesterday.
And the last time i realized this
it was raining outside,
the cars were honking on the street
and people were moving around me
in dizzying hurry,
and I was at the center
of the whirlpool
fixed, as the eddies
swirled around me.


Prashant Singh said...

Nice Post . I admit that I am not sure if i can claim to Fully understand the context or meaning of this but your poem reminds me of lines from another poem from few people i know

One was from my friend Rajneesh Shukla . here it is

हर खोया सपना मीठा और , हर पाया फीका होता है
जीवन पर्यांत दुखी रहने का ये ही तरीका होता है

other was in a comment from Beji Jaison [ she is an awesome blogger btw ] .

the who said...

हर खोया सपना मीठा और , हर पाया फीका होता है
जीवन पर्यांत दुखी रहने का ये ही तरीका होता है
I hadn't read anything in a long time that could sum up the dilemmas in life in just two lines..
Thank you for sending me the link to the comment on your post. Or else i would have missed out on one post that i think i needed to read...

Karthik said...

Poems,you are looking in kaleidoscope,
Walking on a Tightrope,
Cannot stand,never understand,
Falling into a sea of emotion so grand.

the who said...

@ Karthik -
Poems,you are looking in kaleidoscope,
Walking on a Tightrope,
Cannot speak,let silence shriek,
And images replace words
that are ever so weak

urban nomad said...

given a long enough time line, the survival rate of everything drops to zero, even our dreams are now subject to approval by our desires. dreams chance into something surreal and reality turns more lucid with every moment we live through them. every moment we spend reading this fine print is another moment off our short life, but if we don't claim our reality our life would be just another statistic.

the who said...

@ Urban Nomad- "if we don't claim our reality our life would be just another statistic." It is this very belief that makes me act quixotically sometimes, ecstatic with a sweet apprehension when i plunge into unknown waters to follow my beliefs, and hit rock bottom when i realize that maybe i knew a lot less about myself than i thought when i plunged..
Makes me ask myself what is my reality?? Every time i believe one to be, the grasslands metamorphize to the deserts.. Maybe something is trying to take me where i belong..or maybe there is no one reality, no one place, thing, person, work that i belong to ..
Maybe i am the eternal wanderer..
Or maybe the name of the game is to keep moving on..
Whichever it is, i remain incorrigible..

Prashant Singh said...

have you ever considered the possibility that you are seeing these grasslands everywhere because you are not getting enough sleep ? Just a thought

the who said...

@ Prashant-
LOL..Hallelujah! This is revelation! All this while i was searching answers in prayer and introspection when what i really needed was sedatives!!

Prashant Singh said...

see, as bible say "salvation lies within" :)